* Banner Image Credit to https://hobbyking.com/en_us/news/world-mental-health-day?___store=en_us As most people who have an interest or experience with the topic will know, today is World Mental Health Day. Every year since 1992 a global community of thousands have come together to celebrate the work of the World Health Organization in mental health and countless other awareness programs which […]
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Mental Health News

Mental Health Epidemic in UK Schools
By Mike
I was really sad to read this article in the Guardian about the state of mental health in UK schools and particularly about the difficulty that children and teachers are having in getting access to the appropriate care. I’ve written previously about my experience with getting access to treatment. In my case it took around […]

Gaming Addiction added as Mental Health Disorder
By Mike
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently announced that a gaming related disorder has been included in the most recent version of the International Classification of Diseases also known as ICD-11 The announcement is being covered in some depth by the BBC and you can find more information about the decision and reaction here I […]

Mind Reports Surge in People Feeling Less Lonely
By Mike
I was really happy to read this recent post from Mind saying that there has been a surge in the number of people who feel less alone in dealing with their struggles with mental health with over 30% feeling less alone which is an apparent rise of 22% since a similar poll in 2016.
Folk to Follow

Jessica McCabe AKA How To ADHD
By Mike
Whilst I don’t have a formal diagnosis, it has been suggested by a number of doctors and therapists that I display many symptoms of ADHD and I can currently going through the formal evaluation process. In looking for coping mechanisms and ways to improve my concentration and organisation I discovered the How To ADHD youtube […]

The Bloggess – AKA Jenny Lawson
By Mike
Jenny Lawson has been one of my favourite people to follow on the topic of mental health for a while and I genuinely love how she can mix pain and humor in such a way that you don’t know how to feel but inevitably feel like laughing however shit you were feeling beforehand. She is […]

Folk to Follow – Seaneen Molloy
By Mike
I’ve been reading about mental health and researching my own issues for years now but for some reason I’ve always gravitated towards the more formal sources of information rather than following the stories of individuals. I’m not quite sure why this is. I think maybe it is at least in part because it is less […]